Getting started

This guide will tell you how to connect the first user to your service from our platform. We’ll take you through:

  • How to obtain your Client Secrets that will give you access to our platform

  • How to connect the first user and retrieve account and transaction information

If you’re here to make payments, it’s important that you also learn how to onboard a user as this is important to know when offering payment functionality to your users.

We suggest that you use our postman collection when walking through the guide. You can get the collection by clicking the button below — for more information about how to set things up, head to this page.

Getting your account

To get started, first you need a Merchant account. To create a Merchant use the following snippet. Once this snippet is executed, the response will include an ApiKey. This will only be returned with the initial request, do not loose the key.

curl -X POST' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "Name" : "{your merchant name}"

You will receive a response as follows:

    "id": "0affea9d-31b4-4531-88fe-685c22fbb700",
    "name": "{your merchant name}",
    "handle": "mh_SAMPLE_MERCHANT",
    "state": "Active",
    "createdAt": "2022-02-21T12:28:34.07",
    "apiKeys": [
            "token": "pub_SAMPLE_APIKEY"

The account must be verified, by accepting the link e-mailed to the address of the request. Without verification, the account stays inactive.

Store the ApiKeyin a . This key will provide access to your payments, customers and mandates.


Further requests must be authorized using the ApiKey using by providing the key as the username.

Depending on how you conduct business with Debitdirect, the following steps are split into two routes, either as a corporate, or as a software vendor.

Last updated