Migrate an existing

Mastercard Payment Services only support one (1) data processor, which means any notification on mandates and payments will be sent to the active data processor at hand.

Change your data processor with Betalingsservice

First step is to change the designated data processor for your existing Betalingsservice agreement.

Sign in with your MitID here to.

When you change the agreement, be sure to use the following identification in the step of using your designated data processer (data leverandør). Be sure to indicate that you want to use an external data processor.


The following step is important

Tell Mastercard Payment Services to migrate mandates

On the last page, type the following into the note field of the agreement configuration.

"We changing our data processer, and request that Betalingsservice provide a delivery file with all mandates to the newly designated data processer Debitdirect - 38571583.

We would like the change to happen on {type date here}"

Await confirmation

Expect 4-5 business days before your get confirmation on your company e-boks. You can continue with the next steps, however your agreement will not be active until you get confirmation from Mastercard Payment Services.

Create an Agreement

Use a scheme of mastercard-bs to indicate that you are creating a Betalingsservice agreement. More detail on the API endpoint can be found here.

Use the following snippet:

curl -X POST https://api.debitdirect.io/merchants/agreements \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic {authentication}' \
    -d '{
        "Scheme" : "mastercard-bs"
        , "SchemeData" : {
            "CvrNumber" : "12345678",
            "CreditorNumber" : "87654321",
            "PbsNumber" : "87654321",
            "AgreementType" : "standard"
            , "Test" : false

You will get a response as follows:

Last updated