Before you learn about the agreement witch encompass a Betalingsservice agreement, you should know about mandates.
A Mandate is a binding contract between you the merchant and the end-customer. A Mandateprovide you the right to charge your end-customer as per your agreement.
Mandates are stored with Betalingsservice and are represented in Debitdirect. You cannot create any payment without an active Mandate.
Mandates are captured automatically
Because a mandate can be initiated, cancelled and changed by either Mastercard Payment Services, the bank of the merchant or the end-customer - exchange of information is handled between Debitdirect and Mastercard Payment Services when Debitdirect is the designated data processer.
When capturing new mandates, we compare the customer number
of the mandate received by Betalingservice
with existing customer records by matching the number
- If a match is found, we assign the mandate to the given customer.
- If not match is found, we import a new customer.
If you are operating a Betalingservice Total agreement, be sure to update the customer of the newly imported mandate with correct customer information. Betalingservice Total agreements will populate customer information as part of payments.
For every mandate event, Debitdirect issue a webhook event.
End-user mandate handling
End-users can sign up for mandates by their bank or by the sign up link below. Regardless of which route, all mandates are automatically imported.
End-users can terminate a mandate by their bank, by contacting you the merchant or by contating Mastercard Payment Services.
Providing sign up for mandates
As the merchant, you can provide a link to your end-customer to allow them to sign up for a mandate themselves.
Read more about Betalingservice Tilmeldingslink here.