To use Leverandørservice, you need to have a creditor agreement with Mastercard Payment Service in order to handle payments through DebitDirect.

If you already have an agreement, you will have to update Debitdirect as the data processor of this agreement.

Applying for a new agreement

To apply for a Leverandørservice agreement. Click Create agreement. You need to sign in using NemID or MitID with authority to sign on behalf of company.

You will need the following to complete the application:

  1. Danish registration information (CVR number). Denmark only.
  2. Copy of passport for signing authorities (tegningsberettigede in Danish).
  3. Registration and bank account number.

As part of the application, please ensure that the agreement is created with specified payments (send specificerede betalingsoplysninger in Danish). This is required for DebitDirect to work, if you omit this step our corporation will not work.

You should also decide on a maximum transaction amount and a maximum daily amount with your bank when creating the agreement. This is for the bank to have an idea on what amounts are to be charged or paid out each day.

Under the section of Datalevarandør, specify the following (CVR) number 38571583.

You should consult your bank and agree on the following amounts to be set:

  • Transaktions maksimumsbeløb. The maximum amount that can be charged or paid out per debitor per banking day.
  • Dags maksimumbeløb. The maximum amount that can be charged or paid out for all debitors combined per banking day.

Once the agreement is completed by Mastercard, you will recieve a letter in e-boks with a merchant number. Continue to the next step using this merchant number and your CVR number.

Moving an existing agreement to Debitdirect

You can move an existing agreement to Debitdirect as follows. Be aware, that an Leverandørservice agreement only can have one data processor (dataleverandør in Danish), which means you will move away from your current data processor.

  1. At Mastercard Payment Services, login to access your existing agreement.
  2. Find the data processor section (datalevarandør in Danish) and change the data processor to the following (CVR) number 38571583.
  3. Find the additional information field (supplerende oplysninger in Danish) and enter the following:
  4. “Migration of data processor. New dataprovider (Debitdirect) should receive a file with all active debtors”.
  5. Should you wish to time the migration (plan ahead as only one data processor can be applied), please add to the field the date of migration. Example: “Change of data processor should happen on the 1st of August 2017”.
  6. Finally submit the application of change.

Due to KYC and AML procedures, migrating the agreement takes anywhere between 1-14 days. You will recieve a letter in e-boks, with the new information. However, as you already have your creditor number, you can easily proceed to step 2.

Adding the agreement to Debitdirect

Once either step 1.a or 1.b is completed, follow this step to continue. Add the agreement as follows:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
--data '{
	"scheme" : "nets-ls",
	"test" : false,
	"meta" : {
		"CreditorNumber" : "12345",
		"CvrNumber" : "12345678"

Your will get an agreement handle returned, and the agreement will be in state Pending until Debitdirect have verified the agreement. This happens automatically. Once your agreement is ready, the state of the agreement will be Active.