Payments are issued against a mandate. Use the following snippet to issue a payment.
You can issue any payment (debit) for Leverandørservice with one business days advance. Credit notes (credit) for Leverandørservice can be issued with two business days advance.
If you issue a payment or credit on a date not possible for payment, Debitdirect will automatically correct the payment date to the next possible payment date.
Payments change stage as they are processed in Debitdirect.
Pending schedule
When created a payment status is marked pending (value = 0)
Scheduled for processing
When the payment is scheduled for scheme processing, status is marked scheduled (value = 16).
Completed succesfully
If a payment is processed succesfully, the payment is marked settled (value = 8).
Completed with fault
If a payment is not processed succesfully, the payment is marked rejected (value = 64).
Some schemes allow the end-user to dispute the payment. In this case, Mastercard Payment Services may issue a charge back. In this case, the payment status is set to chargeback (value = 256) and a webhoook is sent.
When issuing payments against a test mandate, the payment is marked a test payment and will not be sent to the scheme.